Music is a sacred gifta reflection of the goodness, beauty,and stir of Love’s presence come into the world Click on my YouTube Channel below for a special Christmas music offering:
Author: calledtobealive
Song of Christmas
Older now,yet the child in me joins all of creationsinging Christmas into our soul again this year Such joy to the world!—Our praising Love who comesmaking a warm and safe […]
Winter Solstice
Headed to Whidbey Island this Winter Solsticewhere snow and the shortest day greet uswith the warm promise of life to be bornIn the darkest regions of our hearts
We Can Sing
We have as of old a choice this ChristmasFor the hope and joy a child’s birth bringsWe can gather with others and sing!
Birthday Home Concert
Did a little birthday home concert yesterdaywith my new friend and bassist, Gary StreeterWe were Strong n Song inviting others to sing along Birthday greetings were much appreciatedTouched by each […]
Born! What a gift to be born! To be here today, batch of clay, breath, song, and dance, knowing whence I came, where I belong, life’s wholeness in a glance!
Love’s Embrace
‘Tis the season to watch and eagerly await The benevolence of The Universe and her loving embrace
ADVENTThere is a sacred longingfor light and lovein the depths of short days and long nights In this season we are readied,made able to bearthe dawn of new life
Simple Pleasures
A small thing, reallyplacing some festive color with evergreensin a flower bed on the roadway into Hammond But what joy and beauty are foundin the simplest of thingsthat the season […]
Oh, sweet child—each and every oneSo quick to learn the ways of want & plentyMay you know how precious you already are—And by Love’s encouragement always will be!