Pause to Ponder

Sabbath Poem

April is National Poetry Month

Saturdays are often my sabbath because I usually work on Sundays. During the other six days of the week, it’s easy to get caught up in all of my responsibilities. Today I can take some private time to turn my thoughts to God’s song in my heart. I find poetry to be a wonderful way to sing along.

A Sabbath Poem
by Wendell Berry in The Peace of Wild Things

I go among trees and sit still.
All my stirring becomes quiet
around me like circles on water.
My tasks lie in their places
where I left them, asleep like cattle.

Then what is afraid of me comes
and lives a while in my sight.
What it fears in me leaves me,
and the fear of me leaves it.
It sings, and I hear its song.

Then what I am afraid of comes.
I live for a while in its sight.
What I fear in it leaves it,
and the fear of it leaves me.
It sings, and I hear its song.

After days of labor,
mute in my consternations,
I hear my song at last,
and I sing it. As we sing,
the day turns, the trees move.

One Word

April is National Poetry Month

Today is my sermon writing day.
Over the years this task has often felt daunting-
Choosing between 1,000 and 1,500 words to preach in response to sacred words found in the Bible.

Writing poetry is helping me in these later years of ministry to value the practice of sharing what’s life-giving with fewer words, realizing the power of a single word or phrase.

I write about this in my book “Called to be Alive!”

By one word, I am sung into being
By one word I am awakened and belong
By one still quiet voice my heart is stirred dancing
And if today I return one word, one song
One act of kindness,
One will be enough
To fill me with joyful purpose.

Good Heart Tones

April is National Poetry Month

Heading out to see my cardiologist this morning brings to mind a poem in Called to Be Alive!

Good Heart Tones
With stethoscope pressed gently on my chest,
I have been told I have good heart tones,
even though conduction is flawed,
and I flutter with atrial fibrillation.

Thankfully, lifestyle changes under the care of physician can do wonders for my health,
if willing to answer the call. Such is my human condition with good heart tones at my core, I still suffer from flawed conduction often out of rhythm with divine, too quick, to react to my shortcomings, and not quick enough to respond to the larger flow of life.

So the Great Physician calls,
not with loud hollers of threat and condemnation,
but with a still, quiet voice, gently calling me by name, assuring me that I am loved,
guiding me daily to live in rhythm
with the heart of Life, sending me out again today with good news that does wonders
for anyone willing to listen.

Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month
I am reading Wendell Berry’s little book of poems
called The Peace of Wild Things.

Poetry, like no other form of art, has a way of compelling me to pause, reflect, and appreciate the intricacies of life sprouting all through my years.

Koa Bear

“Koa Bear” and I instantly bonded when he arrived late yesterday afternoon.

The koa wood baritone ukulele will be helping me lead worship this Sunday. Our church group Strong in Song is also gearing up for a concert at a local Memory Care Facility. Koa Bear will have a big part in the set of songs we’re planning to share with the residents.

A big thanks to the amazing crew at Mele Ukulele on Maui for their beautiful instruments helping musicians stir hearts and create community all around the world.


Building Bridges

Later-Life Fitness Journey # 4

Later-life offers this choice:
Use retirement to build a bridge
or to rear a wall.

Gifted with days filled with life-giving opportunities,
I choose to be steady and strong building bridges
connecting family and others, helping people belong