Pause to Ponder

Later-Life Wellness Circle

Two days after meeting with nine others
in a later-life wellness circle I’m still feeling the thrill of our sharing from heart to heart

A simple format around a lit candle a couple songs, two poems, and ten stories and for two hours we filled a room with life, love & laughter

The spirit of hope and wholeness is a mystery
about a power I can not explain but a single
heart-to heart gathering can speak 1,000 words

NOTE: if you are interested in learning more about a Later-life Wellness Circle just let me know.

White Squirrel

On a fall walk with Mellie in New Brighton, Minnesota
a white squirrel appeared, paused, and scurried off

The very next day the same squirrel showed up again
pausing to gift me with a lovely photo op

More than a picture White Squirrel gave me a sign
to attune & seek harmony with the seasons of my life

Space to Flow

Need space for all the energies of life
to move in, through and around you?

Don’t have a wide open meadow
or a big water view readily available?

Relax, close your eyes, and see how just a few
deep, slow breaths can make a world of difference


Animals are among the countless blessings
we have in our lives
and with whom we share this beautiful planet

A month on the road recently with Mellie and Banjo
time and again both dogs showed us a deep connection
that is ours to share with all creation

Fast approaching eleven and now nearly blind
Mellie is teaching me the wisdom of aging
and the joy found in walking by faith not by sight

Mellie leading the way at Whitefish, MT

Fun Sing-a-long

Little Pukka,
my concert size ukulele
stole the show this afternoon

In concert at Our Saviour’s Seaside, Oregon
We were “Strong in the Song”
While others clapped and sang along

Dear friends, Char Leone and her daughter Marissa
drove all the way from Tacoma, WA
to join in on all the fun!

Year-round Loving Awareness

Gazing out my window this morning
A little early to talk about autumn
Yet I see the next season on its way

So I pray for wisdom to perceive the moment
When things are sure to change
That I may act in harmony with the cycle of life

And while quick to judge which seasons I prefer
Stirred by emotional values attached to them
I’ll observe Life’s year-round loving awareness

Fun Sing & Chat Concert!

What a fun time sharing my songs and poems Sunday night, August 21st at Trinity Lutheran Church!

Thank you, Jana Zsabo for your thoughtful words of affirmation and support!:

“My heart is touched and lifted from being at Jerry R. O’Neill’s “Called to Be Alive” live concert and book signing at Trinity in Freeland tonight.

I am fortunate to call Jerry – retired Pastor Jerry my friend and Spiritual and Creative muse.

A joyous and beautiful combination of Soul Music along with the 3 Ukeleles that Jerry plays so masterfully and which so well accompany his singing and lovely rich-toned voice.

I have been following Jerry’s poetry for a long time and have had the chance to sing a song or two with him which I have so enjoyed.

I highly recommend purchasing his book “Called to Be Alive” and checking out his YouTube station so you can also enjoy his original music !”